1999/2000 |
2000/2001 |
3,000.00 |
Precepts |
2,000.00 |
134.02 |
Interest on bank accounts |
84.96 |
225.00 |
Amenity Grant |
149.00 |
Donations and Contributions |
181.80 |
8.11 |
37.60 |
100.00 |
Other Receipts |
3,467.13 |
Total Receipts |
2,453.36 |
538.29 |
General administration |
431.66 |
1,164.02 |
Clerk's salary |
1,197.90 |
11.16 |
Drainage Board |
11.16 |
165.89 |
Subscriptions |
37.49 |
165.48 |
Insurance |
189.31 |
0.00 |
S137 Payments |
406.80 |
Grants and Donations |
600.00 |
Valuation Agency |
Capital Items |
504.90 |
Maintenance, Repairs & Improvements |
132.78 |
50.51 |
18.39 |
Other Payments |
2,600.25 |
Total Payments |
3,025.49 |
£866.88 |
Balance of Receipts over Payments |
£-572.13 |